Proximity cards and smart cards are often referred to simply as "RFID cards." RFID card cases are particularly useful for applications where tracking or identifying individuals is crucial, or where access control is needed. Currently, RFID chip cards operate across various frequency bands, including 125 kHz LF, 13.56 MHz HF, and 860-960 MHz UHF. If you have any inquiries or require help with RFID cards, please reach out to us or give us a message today at
RFID Cards
Proximity cards and smart cards are often referred to simply as "RFID cards." RFID cards are particularly useful for applications where tracking or identifying individuals is crucial, or where access control is needed. Currently, RFID cards operate across various frequency bands, including 125 kHz LF proximity cards, 13.56 MHz HF smart cards, and 860-960 MHz UHF cards. If you have any inquiries or require help with RFID cards, please reach out to us or give us a message today at